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Leadership of the future

3 New Year’s resolutions to go viral

What if … every person on this globe makes these three New Year’s resolutions?

Be kind – treat anybody as you would wish to be treated by them.

Bridge inequality – those who have plenty, do share with those who have less. You can never know if you are next. To quote Gandhi: “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”.

Treat the Earth with respect – We need the Earth but the Earth doesn’t need us. Stop global warming by doing your part: use less fossil fuels, buy fewer things, recycle, eat less meat and do not waste food. It is not spoiling your life quality to do this more than you used to – and it makes a big difference, when we all do it.

2016 will be a year that will go down in history as a tipping point year with very surreal decisions and elections; Syria, Brexit and the US election result to name a few.

I woke up and was thoroughly reminded that continued good development cannot be taken for granted. Our already hard-won community standards, education and welfare cannot be taken for granted. They are slowly or rapidly slipping if we do not continue to reinforce the good.

2017 is the year where we as citizens and individuals must remember to stand up for what we hold dear, so we can ensure a good development of tomorrow with high level of love, compassion, security, and happiness.

I wish you all a healthy, happy and meaningful year!

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